NOT Easy: What software development is.

I am, as a small population of you out there already know, a computer programmer/software developer/software engineer/enterprise architect/hacker.  Just in my job “title” alone you can already see that defining what I am and do, a creator of or creating software, can be difficult, and inherent to that is the job itself which is of developing software, is also equally difficult to do.

There is design, prototype, develop, iterate, refactor, prototype, design, iterate, iterate, refactor, and so on. And I did not even mention how requirements, specifications, documentation, validation, and the-list-goes-on-ations come into play. So it is not a wonder that the occupation, or pre-occupation thereof, of software development is a very complex activity that can only be described, defined, specified, and estimated as, yes, simply put, as very complex.

Blogs about “Oh just learn it!”, “Just *expletive* do it, learn coding, and build it yourself!”  And yes it is easy with all the resources at hand and available, but let’s face it.  There is a “shortage”, a need, a gap in the workforce that is programmers and techies.  And like they say, “If it was easy then everyone would be doing it.”  And frankly (or bobly or joely or whatever-ly), not everyone is doing it are they?  Yeah right, yes, it is easy somehow, but let’s face it, it is certain types that get programming and that makes it easier. But just like I learned to make a loud whistling sound by putting 2 or 4 fingers in my mouth and blowing (I get it), but it was hard to learn and I am not especially good at it. I accept that and you can also rest easy knowing that programming is NOT EASY!  IT IS HARD to learn, HARD to do, and when you do either or both, you may not be especially good at it. Accept it and move on with life.  You do not have to be the best at everything and will not be that so… whatever!

In the meantime put in a good word in your blogs or comments on blogs that want all those people out there to believe that anyone and everyone can just magically become a programmer. WRONG! Programmers unite! Put in a good word that they are WRONG and that you tried it and that you actually can say first hand that it is hard and that there is nothing wrong with saying that and owning that.  Take it from someone who has put in the magical Ten Thousand Hours and I tell you from personal experience that developing software is a lot of things, but EASY is not one of them.

100 words blogZ

Day 12

5000 Bonus “Cool! U get me!” points for understanding the last two 100 words blogZ.  I look back and wonder myself.  So, there are some things that I of course keep private and yet a great many other things that I leave or put right out in front of everyone. Something to think about:  It’s amazing how easy it is to connect to the whole world and yet your connection is oh so amazingly small.

da Lewis Xperrmints: Happier, healthier kids!

Allow me to introduce…Myself! I am a startup entrepreneur and a techie guy with a mission to make happier, healthier kids!

I am fortunate and very happy to have two beautiful, happy, healthy daughters and I wiill try my best with them to give them a life where they are even happier and healthier. On top of that I am going to use what I know and care about, sports and technology, to try to do the same for as many youth in the world that I can.

Now whether directly, or indirectly, applying, or pursuing, sports or technology as a way to make happier, healthier kids is not of consequence. That, which is of consequence, is that I can make a positive impact on the lives of youth. That is important for me and for the startups that I involve myself with. Hmmmm, so I how do I do that because well making happier, healthier kids is like soooo esoteric and immeasurable.

Well, with that said, please allow me to introduce myself again. I am a guy that wants to make happier, healthier kids by being a startup entrepreneur creating a company that will make software that gives kids a chance to learn, teach, grow, and “give back” to the world and community around them.

So for me the why…

I want to make a positive impact on the lives of youth.

And the how…

Learning. Teaching. Sharing. Growing.

is not so hard. The what…

Well, that is the fun adventure that is da Lewis Xperrmints. Join my journey.

100 words blogZ

Day 9

Creativity or lunacy:  Ramblings of a maddFounder is exactly that. Not an Acronym.  We believe madd is like silly crazy, meaning that you are just so silly that you’re crazy. Yes, I know that doesn’t really explain it better, I know, I know, but the point is this.  Everyone with a big idea or dream or fantasy is a little bit madd, because you have to be just silly enough to think of something so wild and great and then be crazy enough about making it happen to make it happen. That is the way I see the maddFounder.

100 words blogZ

Day # Something way past the day I thought it was

This is going to be long so get comfortable, dear reader.

VoiceBitz, or in other words, me, myself and I! I missed the application deadline for semi-finalists for the OEC today!  Actually yesterday, and although, yesterday I was feeling positive about getting done in time, it is today that I realized that it was a BIG, FAT FAIL!!!  How could I have done this? Well, actually, I know exactly how I could have done this and I am so upset with myself. Ah, but the ultimate optimist reminds us to look forward and do something about something that still can be done.

(editors note:  this blogZ was used in a longer blog series about failure.  see also: “Pass or Fail? How to avoid failure and never fail again.“)

100 words blogZ

Day 5

Time ta get reflective again!……Alright, so I have realized that this is one of the biggest challenges of my life so far.  It is to make something great. Not just in my head and my memories as something great, but something that is really great and can live and breathe on its’ own long after me.  Yes a legacy, pretty cliché, but nonetheless completely and positively accurately describing or better yet defining, what I am talking about as something great. I do this for my family, but don’t get it twisted, this is personal. Heisenberg.

100 words blogZ

Day 3

So I am on a roll today cuz I have had a phenomenal couple of weeks.  I wanna reflect!…… J Anyway, some more coding progress has been made and the java script library is beginning to show more similarities to a java script library. Yay! Also, I am way stoked to get crankin on data. How can we set up peer reviewed activities that are based on objective data results? Well, that is the question I am out to answer. EduWeekend coming up in April gonna be interesting pitching a peer reviewed Say a word/Which word did he say? Addit is the answer (is this too long now?)

100 words blogZ

Day 2
Alright so I am way behind on “da Lewis Xperrrmints”. I set the goal of 100 with meaning per day and that was way too ambitious because as you see I am back 15 days later.  So this 100 words is about seeing how much difference your gift of gab can be influenced positively (and perhaps even your mood and demeanor), if you say 100 meaningful words or words about something meaningful per day. What I found out is that it is difficult to do every day so now it is whenever, but minimum one every week. Let’s get it!