I am a dad that built a voice recording room for my daughters to communicate with my family back in the US. This room is what I am working on now. Over the last year and a half I have spent time and money turning this idea/project into a full blown software development startup. I have used countless hours developing and learning about entrepreneurialism and along this journey I have also learned a great deal about life, my life.
I am not done, quite the contrary (had to find a good time to write that expression, yay!) and even though it has been a long and hard journey I realize that actually every morning that I wake and get after it, it is really only beginning! Yes, I said it, everyday I wake is a new beginning and new time to make this idea come to life and I do hope that one day soon that it becomes big, big, bigger than life, I know that the true lesson I have learned here is that I will never be finished with my storyventure! I will always be learning and trying to get things done that make my life interesting, make my loved ones life interesting, and make everything just a little bit sweeter to be a part of!
Message: Find out what your storyventure is and never give up on telling it to yourself, to your loved ones, and to the world!